Although we certainly missed attending the Greek Excellence Awards Ceremony this year, we were excited to be recognized as one of two chapters designated as an Outstanding Chapter at the University of Cincinnati. This distinction is granted among all 28 active fraternities across the Inter Fraternity Council. Thanks to the FSL Director, John Keith, and the entire FSL office, our incredible alumni volunteers, and the relentless efforts of our brothers for making this possible! The efforts of all parties involved allows Ohio Theta to continually better themselves, and work to provide the best fraternal experience possible.
Ohio Theta is rooted in many different principles. These principles were established by the brothers before us, and left in our hands to uphold throughout our undergraduate career. Not only do we strive to uphold Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love, we place great emphasis on personal growth, determination, and the will to always be the best at what we do. While these principles are not always easy to uphold, doing so not only benefits the brothers in the chapter, but also the surrounding community.
Throughout the last year, Ohio Theta has undergone crucial and important development. Not only have we revisited and innovated in some areas in need of improvement, but we continued to push our strongest areas to new heights. This was all in an effort not only for personal growth, but to positively impact the surrounding communities. From raising $15,525.27 dollars for Smile Train, to revamping the Member Development Process, and restructuring the way we implement ritual in our daily lives, the brothers of Ohio Theta have put their best foot forward. These positive changes have not only benefited the chapter internally, but have been noticed and recognized by the Greek community. The brothers of Ohio Theta will continue on this trend of striving for excellence and exhibiting what it means to be a leader in the Greek Community, along with being a model student organization and partner in higher education at the University of Cincinnati.